In healthcare, an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) is used to inform Medicare beneficiaries when Medicare may not cover a service. The ABN is a compliance tool that ensures patients are aware of potential out-of-pocket costs before receiving non-covered services.
Medical auditors must ensure the ABN is properly issued, clearly stating the service, reason for potential denial, and estimated cost. Accurate use of ABNs helps healthcare providers avoid compliance issues, prevent billing disputes, and ensure that patients can make informed decisions about their care. During this webinar, we will discuss compliance issues and concerns.
Proper Issuance of ABNs: Define the correct process for issuing ABNs, including filling out necessary details such as the service in question, reason for potential denial, and estimated cost.
Patient Communication and Informed Consent: Develop skills to effectively communicate with patients about potential non-coverage of services and out-of-pocket costs, ensuring they can make informed decisions.
Compliance Risks: Gain better understanding of the compliance risk for non-compliant use of an ABN.
NAMAS presentations are submitted for approval to the AAPC and requested for 1 credit hour for Core A and all applicable certifications, including CPMA.